
“Eres liberal y no lo sabes”, de Carlos Rodríguez Braun

Esther Argerich: “Animo a Irene Montero a que sea ella la que les busque un piso a 1.000 euros”

Oceans Are Getting Hotter and Ice Sheets Are Melting Faster, Says New Report, by Ronald Bailey

Jonathan Haidt: «Soy judío y quiero que mis hijos lean el Mein Kampf»

Catequistas de la igualdad, enemigos de la libertad, de Jesús Cacho


¿Pensiones «dignas»? Seis claves que desmontan la demagogia de las marchas de jubilados, de Domingo Soriano

Dreamtime Games, by Robin Hanson

Language Is the Scaffold of the Mind: Once we acquire language, we can live without it, by Anna Ivanova

Consilience and Consensus: Or why climate skeptics are wrong, by Michael Shermer

The consciousness illusion: Phenomenal consciousness is a fiction written by our brains to help us track the impact that the world makes on us, by Keith Frankish

How Climate Policies Hurt the Poor, by Bjorn Lomborg


‘I Basically Just Made It Up’: Confessions of a Social Constructionist, by Christopher Dummitt

Las empresas también se empobrecieron con la crisis, de Juan Ramón Rallo

Bryan Caplan: «Si los votantes somos tan listos, ¿por qué tenemos políticos tan ineptos?

This Simple Structure Unites All Human Languages: Language builds meaning through self-similarity, by David Adger

The Fault Is Not in Our Stuff But in Ourselves, by Bryan Caplan


Even Swedish Socialism was Violent, by Phillip W. Magness

Los países capitalistas son líderes en todos los indicadores sociales que preocupan a la izquierda, de Diego Sánchez de la Cruz

Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions, by Myron Ebell & Steven J. Milloy

Las empresas sí han de maximizar el valor para sus accionistas, de Juan Ramón Rallo

Could Ultra-Low Interest Rates Be Contractionary?, by Ernest Liu , Atif Mian, Amir Sufi